Esercizi con i modal verbs

Impara e migliora il tuo livello di inglese facendo esercizi con i  modal verbs. Identificali e conosci il loro significato affinché sia più facile il loro utilizzo. Con ABA English imparerai i verbi modali usati nella lingua inglese.

Esercizi con i Modal Verbs

I verbi modali sono verbi irregolari molto usati nella lingua inglese. Richiedono un’attenzione speciale perché hanno la capacità di cambiare il significato di una frase avendo significati diversi in base a ciò che si desidera esprimere.

Di seguito condividiamo esercizi sui verbi modali in modo che tu possa praticarli.

Svolgi esercizi con i verbi modali in inglese

Di seguito, troverai una lista di esercizi sui verbi modali con le soluzioni:

Esercizio A

Usa il verbo modale appropriato per il significato della frase.

  1. He (go) to college if he wants to become an engineer.
  2. You (take) a water bottle. It’s going to be hot today.
  3. The speech is about to start. They (be) silent.
  4. She (read) the label before buying it.
  5. It’s too cold. You (wear) a coat.
  6. The team players (finish)  their homework before going to the gym.
  7. You (not play)  on your phone so much. Your neck will start to hurt.

Esercizio B

Completa gli spazi vuoti con il verbo modale che corrisponde a quanto indicato tra parentesi.

  1. He___ stop smoking. (should / would) (obbligo)
  2. She ___obey her parents. (wouldn’t / shouldn’t / couldn’t) (rifiuto)
  3. They___ change themselves to please others. (need not / do not need) (mancanza d’obbligo)
  4. People___ listen more to their conscience. (should / would / might) (obbligo)
  5. He___be back from his trip already. (might / can / shall) (poca possibilità)
  6. We___ not fix the issue. (could / might / should) (incapacità)
  7. The drug’s effect ___ go away soon. (may / should / would) (possibilità)


Esercizio A

  1. Should go.
  2. should take.
  3. Must be.
  4. Should read.
  5. Should wear.
  6. Must finish.
  7. Shouldn’t play.

Esercizio B

  1. should stop.
  2. wouldn’t obey.
  3. need not change.
  4. should listen.
  5. might be.
  6. could not fix.
  7. may go away.

Un altro esercizio sui verbi modali

  1. The project is called? You ____ be serious! I thought we had a deal!

A. don’t have to be
B. can’t be
C. mustn’t be

2. ____ you cook?

A. Are you able to
B. Can

3. Entrance to the exhibition was free. They ____ pay to get in.

A. needn’t
B. didn’t need to

4. ___ I go upstairs, please?

A. May
B. Must
C. Would

  1. I’m afraid I_____ join you this evening. I’ve got an important meeting later today.

A. can’t
B. couldn’t
C. would not be able to

6. You ____ eat so much candy. It’s not good for your teeth.

A. don’t have to
B. mustn’t
C. shouldn’t

  1. She doesn’t like _____ get up early on a Saturday.

A. being able to
B. being allowed to
C. having to

8. If you keep on training so hard, you ____ beat him sooner than later!

A. can
B. could
C. will be able to

9. You ____ forget to take a water bottle with you. The day is going to be very hot!

A. don’t have to
B. mustn’t
C. needn’t

10. Give him a call. He_____ home by now.

A. has to be
B. must be
C. would be

11. I was working on the tablet an hour ago. It ____ be just around here.

A. can
B. could
C. must
D. Would


  1. B
  2. B
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. C
  7. C
  8. C
  9. B
  10. B
  11. C