Il verbo should

Vuoi imparare ad usare il verbo modale should? Iscriviti gratuitamente al corso di ABA English per imparare i verbi modali in inglese e altro ancora e unisciti agli oltre 30 milioni di studenti che si sono fidati di noi.

Cos’è è il verbo should in inglese?

All’interno della lista dei verbi modali, troviamo should. Quando si usa? Si usa per esprimere obblighi, raccomandazioni o consigli, dando un’opinione su ciò che si ritiene corretto. In italiano potrebbe tradursi come “dovrebbe”.

Come si usa il verbo should?

Si usa dopo qualsiasi pronome personale e seguito da un verbo all’infinito.


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Come si usa il verbo modale should

Ecco alcuni esempi di frasi con should in modo da imparare alcuni dei suoi usi.

Il verbo modale should in frasi affermative

Should per dare un consiglio.

  • You should go to the doctor as soon as possible. (Dovresti andare dal medico il prima possibile).

Il verbo modale should al negativo

Should per dare un consiglio.

  • You shouldn’t eat junk food. (Non dovresti mangiare cibo spazzatura).

Il verbo modale should in frasi interrogative

Should per chiedere un parere.

  • Should I lose weight? (Dovrei perdere peso?)

Pratica il verbo modale should nelle frasi affermative

Completa le seguenti frasi con il verbo tra parentesi più il verbo modale should:

  1. You _______ ____ to the gym, you will feel better. (go)
  2. You touched all the animals in the farm. You _______ ______ your hands. (clean)
  3. You _______ stop __________ junk food. It’s not good. (eat)
  4. You are failing all the exams. Maybe, you _______ _______ harder. (study)
  5. Your son looks dehydrated. He _______ _______ more water. (drink)
  6. You don’t pay attention to me, you _______ ___ more attentive. (be)
  7. Your dog looks very thin. ;Maybe you _______ _______ its food (change)
  8. Your mother needs a pause. She _______ ____ for a few days. (go away)


Should go, should clean, should stop eating, should study, should drink, should be, should change , should go away.

Il verbo modale should al negativo

Continua ad esercitarti e riempi gli spazi vuoti delle seguenti frasi, usando la forma negativa di should per dare consigli:

  1. My father (drive)__________ , he is very old and he gets easily distracted. 
  2. You (watch)__________ too much TV. It’s time you turn it off. 
  3. It’s very late. My daughter is in the park and she (be)__________ out. 
  4. Your children are missing you. You (work) __________ so much.
  5. It’s a private meeting. You (record) _________ our conversation.
  6. I am very worried. I ________ have (allow) ____ them to go out.


Shouldn’t drive, shouldn’t watch, shouldn’t be, shouldn’t work, shouldn’t record, shouldn’t have allowed.

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Il verbo modale should nelle frasi interrogative

Completa le seguenti frasi interrogative, usando il verbo modale should più il verbo tra parentesi:

  1. _______ I ________ him?, what do you think? (call)
  2. _______ I _______ my job? I am not sure whether it will be a good option. (change)
  3. _______ we _______ Lucy to our wedding? We haven’t seen her for a long time. (invite)
  4. _______ I ____ this dress? It’s so expensive, but I love it. (buy)
  5. _______ my children _____ for this summer camp? I am not sure how safe it is. (sign up)
  6. _______ we _____ to the city? In a short time, our sons will be teenagers and they will need it. (move)
  7. Why _______I _____ your exercises?! It’s unfair! (do)
  8. When ______I _____ for university? (apply) 


Should i phone, should i change, should we invite, should i buy, should my children sign up, should we move, why should i do, when should i apply.